Addictive seems to be a common description of this game and it is. It makes spending agonizing time waiting in long lines, doctor visits, sitting in the car waiting for the ferry, etc, just disappear. Ive been playing word warp for over 5 years and a few times Ive had to delete it just to quell the addiction. I enjoy the game very much, but wish theyd introduce more words such as "tor" or "Rex"-you know, scrabble and cross word puzzle words, to make it a little more challenging. I also cannot stand the ads for other games! They dont sway me one bit to cross over to the other side. They advertise games that dont even relate to my interests-come on....Candyland?...or whatever its called. A kids version would be cool because my 8 year old grandson enjoys trying to play the game. Anyway, Im playing now when I should be going outside and enjoying this great memorial weekend....and I HAVE a life! Haha!